The second part of this installment will be a recap of our Clown Alley's Birthday Party, so skip to Part Two if you don't want to hear about my tribulations of the past few days...
Part One -- I shoulda slowed down
After my last round of Chemo, I felt pretty good. I knew that I had a couple of days before the side effects usually kick in and I got to do some clowning around. I clowned on Saturday for the local Amvets 148 and then went uptown and, basically, handed out stickers and let people take my picture and visited some businesses to share some smiles. I started to get tired so I relaxed Saturday nite and most of Sunday. On Monday I tried to do some walking and socializing and began to feel some joint pain and fatigue. Tuesday brought more fatigue but I was looking forward to the Alley Birthday Party so I picked out an outfit and went to the Gala.
On Wednesday, I waited until I felt fairly strong and then went to visit some friends for awhile. I had driven my car uptown because I am still trying to sell it and planned to walk back home. When it was time to get home I started walking and the joint pain started really acting up. Also, my left foot decided that it didn't want to cooperate so I was afraid I would stumble and fall. I began to lose energy and called my wife to come and get me. I was only two long blocks from home but I didn't feel that I could make it. I stayed in the rest of the nite and tried to eat something and rest.
Thursday I awoke and was doing fine. My wife had to go to the store and I was doing all right when all of a sudden I began getting abdominal cramps. I was super constipated. I spent the next two hours trying to get some relief. I have a bad back, also, so the constipation and cramping aggravated my lower back and hips. I couldn't stand, sit, walk or lie down. I called my wife and asked her to pick me up some Fleet suppositories. I have never used them so I called some friends and asked about them. When my wife got home I tried one and lay down but couldn't get comfortable. The pain kept getting unbearable. I called Urgent Care here in town and talked to someone who was very nice and helpful. They said to go to the emergency room in Huber Heights if I couldn't get relief. I was panicking and having trouble breathing and was in distress. My wife was able to call my oncologist and talk to him. He told her to pick up some Magnesium Citrate and I was able to talk to him for a few minutes, although I don't remember the conversation. I just remember that he was able to reassure me, which was what I needed. Finally, I was able to lie down--mainly out of exhaustion and surrender. I slept for awhile and when I awoke, the cramps returned and after what seemed like forever I was able to get some relief. I am still exhausted and the joint pain and peripheral neuropathy are present but I am able to sit up. For the next few days I am going to drink a lot of water and eat some clear soup and maybe jello. My appetite has been good but I need to watch out about eating solid foods. The constipation is opiate-induced and although I was doing pretty good, we had bought a ham loaf and I was eating everything that I got hungry for. The last couple of weeks I have had a bitter taste in my mouth and nothing has tasted that good, but I have been trying different foods to see if I get my taste buds back in line.
So, for now, I have some relief and am going to take it easy for awhile. I was supposed to volunteer at the library this past Wednesday, but I knew that I had been pushing it too far. I need to concentrate on more moderate exercise and not do too much for now. I don't want to completely relax, but I have to show some common sense, I guess !
Part Two -- The Party
To socialize with a group of Clowns is a very satisfying and exciting event. I was really looking forward to this year's Party !
It was great to see so many clowns. I am pretty tired right now and am going to lie down, but I will post a few pictures and then continue this blog tomorrow...
Until tomorrow...Life is good, Life is an Adventure !
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