I have been doing all right, I guess. I feel fine except for fatigue and, maybe, Chemo Brain. I don't obsess about it, but I have extremely short term memory issues. I can't walk from one room to the next without forgetting what I am doing. As long as I just stay focused on one thing, I am all right. I have so many things to catch up on though. I have a million or more phone calls to make. And, my project right now is shopping for/hunting small, round batteries for all of the little gadgets and sparkly twinkling lights that I have. I bought a finger lite that takes 3 batteries. The lite cost 99 cents and it takes 3 batteries at 4.99 each. Most of my gadgets call for 2 or three batteries. I am never--Ever ! going to buy anything that takes these little watch batteries !!! The stuff I have are really neat but the price for batteries is obscene !
I was supposed to have my 4th Chemo last week and the doctor wants to have a CAT scan first. So, I guess after the CAT scan he may order another Chemo next week. Originally I had two CAT scans scheduled for May and June. He wants one next week though...
I don't know what to think about my Chemo possibly coming to an end. I think he said that I would have 5 of them. If the tumor has shrunk to a small or nonexistent size then that will be good. I will spend the next few months and "years" wondering when I will be struck down again. I have been reading several Cancer-oriented magazines but I don't know what to think about them. They all seem to have an agenda. A lot of the material is the same. One is very good, however, as it has a lot of info and resources. The others are heavy with ads and articles promoting the sale of your Life Insurance or praising chemical trials. I was looking for info on help with medical expenses but they all say the same thing: read your health insurance policy carefully...yeah, that is if you have insurance!
The bill collectors have started their mantras and, since I just got on Disability I am forbidden from working...but, if I can find the right job, I will forgo the disability.
I should look into Medicaid but you pretty much have to be dirt poor and I think you have to pay it back. I trust in the Lord and so far he has carried me. I am so fortunate not to have a lot of pain or a lot of side effects or other health issues. I pray for all the people that are experiencing unpleasant medical problems.
People are constantly telling me how well I am handling this situation. Actually, the reason that I am doing so well is because of all the people that are thinking of me and praying and sending good and Happy vibes !
It is important, if you know someone that is having a medical crisis that you stay in touch with them and let them know that you care. The person may not be too responsive or they might not seem like they are listening...but, trust me, they hear you loud and clear and it means a lot to know that you are not alone.
I try to do Clowning when I am able. Informally. I just like to spread some smiles. It also helps to cheer me and to strengthen my self-worth. When we give of ourselves, it takes our minds off of our own problems.
One thing that I know is important, also, if you are not feeling well --- step outside and get some fresh air...everyday. Even if it is only for a few minutes. Even if the weather is not ideal. Experience Life! And, if you cannot go and visit someone then pick up the phone or grab a pen and communicate with another person. I try to visit with people everyday. I might engage in the most inane conversation, but it is important to retain your social skills.
Be thankful for all things. Our microwave just died on us and instead of getting mad that we can't make our precious Microwave popcorn or reheat a cup of coffee or Nuke dinner...we are exploring the Lost Art of Cooking ! I think I'll boil some water on the stove just to see what it's like ! And, we use the toaster oven ! Ah, life is Grand !
Of couse, we will probably make a trek to Target and look at microwaves today...oh, well.
Life is Good...Life is an Adventure !
I think of you severaal times a day and wish you the best always. I can never find all the time I need, maybe when I retire at the end of June things will get calmer. Today I came out of bed in Brockton,MA and drove here to Buffalo,NY. Only 470 miles but felt like thousands. I can see by your posting time that you are keeping odd hours as well.You are carrying yourself with such strength of charactor.You honor yourself and all of us that know you Brother..
ReplyDeleteMy hours are pretty much regulated by my pain meds and my exercise...I go out in the afternoons and then take a nap and then maybe a short nap in the late evening....I've tried to adhere to a more "normal" schedule but it just doesn't fit me...