The 3rd round went off without a hitch...I started with pre-meds (to counteract side effects) at 9am and finished the chemos at 3pm. The nurse was great and answered all of my questions. Last time I had a pain in my left wrist for about 10 days. She said that the IV was probably in a "bendy" vein...medical jargon for something. The wrist was never discolored or swollen. It just hurt like I had bumped it on something. So, she tried a vein in my other arm. As the anti-nausea med was coursing through my vein, I felt a strong pain...a sting, burn, a sharp pain. It lasted about a minute or more. And, then she noticed that the vein had "flared". It turned reddish-brown...maybe salmon. She called the supervisor over to show her and to get authority to stick another vein. So she used the other arm and finished the pre-meds without incident. I slept off and on, getting up every hour to have a pee. I asked her about wearing light make-up for some volunteer clowning and such. She said it should be okay, but reminded me to watch the audience and if I see someone coughing or sneezing that I should back it up. I had forgotten that my immune system is at risk. I still have a fairly strong one and my blood counts are all good, but she said that exposure to sick people could dramatically lower my immune system. I have been trying to be social and go out as much as I can, but I guess I need to exercise a little bit of caution....I need to be Careful, Careful !!!
Considering what most people go through I am pretty blessed. I have pain and a lot of fatigue,but I don't have nausea or shortness of breath or coughing. And, my appetite is fine.
I think that walking everyday and socializing is good, but I have to remember to tone it down until I am finished with my Chemo treatments. I don't want to over-do things and then have the Chemo or the Cancer take advantage of the situation and try to knock me down ! I am blessed with wonderful Doctors and nurses and family and friends. I am blessed with the Church and the prayers and fellowship. I am blessed with all of the Clowns that lead the way with their Laughter and Smiles !!! And, I trust in the Lord !
Life is good, Life is and Adventure.
You are an inspiration.....hugs.