I had another treatment on Friday, 21sept2012...I was thinking that it was the 3rd one, but looking at a previous post, I see that it is the 4th, I guess. I should count them. Maybe not. It went really well. It only took a couple of hours from the time that I arrived. Afterwards, I went home and then decided to go out and about to visit some friends. Worked in the yard some and climbed up on the roof with a roofer to see if their was any damage from storms earlier in the summer. I was trying to use some energy in order to wear down the effects of the steroids. It seemed to work. I was able to get a nap in the evening and some real sleep later on.
Usually, after the Alimta treatment and administration of the steroids, I am awake for 30 hours. Of course, doing it the way that I did this time gave me some rest up front. Problem is, it has made my sleeping sketchy for the rest of the weekend. It is Tuesday morning and I have been sleeping off and on in bits of 2 hours and 5 hours.
On Saturday, I got a call from a man that I had met at the Taco stand several weeks ago. He wanted me to do a Birthday Party for his daughter. Sunday. I was aware that it was upcoming, though I didn't have a specific date, so I was able to do it. It was only one block away and there were about 40 adults and 25 kids. It was a fun time!
I wore the new Outfit that was designed and put together by Susan and her sister, Linda:
I didn't feel tired after clowning, but I have decided to take it easy for the next few days because I feel a little bit shaky. Always before, I have tried to do everything normal and ended up last time with a longer-than-usual amount of fatigue. Both the Dr. and nurses have told me that I have to pace myself. If I were working, I would probably have a better idea of that concept. Since my time is only realized by the different interests and tasks that I assign for myself each day, it is easy to get distracted and to sometimes do more than I should. I am going to try to formulate a schedule to follow each day and week to better utilize my time and to be able discern what I can and can't do...what helps and what wears me down. I would like to take one day a week to work on music, one for programming and computer interests, one for genealogy, one for Mars, etc.
I am so disorganized that I just make little lists of things that I need to do and want to do and then I try to do them all at once. I get some things done, but if I organized my time better, I am sure that I would get a lot more accomplished! I have been meaning to practice my juggling, too. So many things, but I know that if I just adhered to a schedule that I could get some real satisfaction of completing tasks. I think that I got into a mode of thinking that I needed to get a lot of things done because I didn't know how much time I had...ha..
Well, Life is Good...Life is an Adventure ! And, Trust in the Lord !
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