I had my first treatment today (Friday, February 1, 2013) with
Docetaxel (Taxotere).
I was apprehensive about this initial treatment, but everything turned-out fine. This
particular drug builds up in your system so the next few weeks should be interesting. I
imagine it will be much the same as my initial Chemos last year--in that I will lose my hair,the Chemo-brain will return, and
the peripheral neuropathy will increase; I will have flu-like symptoms. This particular drug
also wreaks havoc with your blood counts and I will be fatigued and extremely vulnerable to
infections and pneumonia. I will just have to tough it out.
I worked Thursday night and stayed over at the Hotel instead of going home because my wife was out of town and I rarely hear alarm clocks! In the morning, when my boss came in for his work shift, we retired to the break room for some intercessory prayer. My treatment lasted for 5 hours and I was alert and calm throughout!
Hopefully I will be doing TechFest in Downtown Dayton at Sinclair College on the 16th and 17th of February. I will be with the The Mars Society (Ohio Chapter)...
Here is an Invitational video from TechFest2013:
I will be answering questions about Human Mars Exploration, but I will also be making some Alien Sword Balloons and Alien Princess Wand Balloons. Luckily, there are other members of the Ohio Chapter of the Mars Society that will be doing most of the talking and explaining !! Over 3000 people come through TechFest during the weekend and most of them want a balloon! The Wright State biology department is usually across from us and they will let you hold a Tarantula or Madagascar Millipede ! There are many, many hands-on exhibits and I love to walk around and look at them. Darth Vader and his team are usually there to provide Security for the event,also.
So, everything is going pretty well, although I had to quit my job. I went back to work in November of last year and was really enjoying it. But, I am not sure how bad the side effects from this new Chemo will be. I will return to work as soon as I can, My job involved a fair amount of driving and I don't want to put people on the road in jeopardy.
Life is Good, Life is an Adventure !!!! Clown around and Go to Mars !!!