Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Giddity-up and Go Went Somewhere

I have been trying so hard to update this blog. Usually, I cook it up in my mind for a few days. I have so many ideas running through my mind that I want to share. Sometimes I write and re-write the blog in my mind so much that I end up throwing out everything and starting fresh. However, for the past few weeks, I haven't had the energy to do much more than think, "I need to work on my blog...". In fact, I usually spend my evenings checking my email accounts and reading blogs and traveling the Internet. I spend 2-3 hours on Facebook. Not so much this month, though. I have been coming to the computer and opening an email account and I read a message or two and am exhausted. So, I try Facebook and read a few posts and want to join in the fun and am too exhausted. I was doing fairly well after my first Docetaxel (as generic or under the trade name Taxotere)treatment. I was really worried about it because it seemed to have some difficult and treacherous side-effects. And, my oncologist said that it would make me tired...TIRED ?!!! The Alimta that I had been receiving was a killer when it came to energy levels. I had learned to deal with it though because it collapsed me if I did too much physical activity. I learned to pace myself and was able to keep a modicum of energy level. I knew what I could and couldn't do and I knew how far I could push it. This Taxotere has drained me and I haven't figured it out completely. The doctor said that the fatigue would be caused by changes in my blood levels, mainly. The past two lab tests, though, show my blood to behaving normally. The various readings show well within their limits. My oxygen level is good. My weight is steady. My appetite is still very good. I don't feel stressed, a little discouraged and scared maybe, but the main thing that is defeating me is the desire to do things. Simple things. Make some phone calls. Watch TV. Surf the Net. Anything. I get motivated to do something and the moment passes before I can act. Anyway, this is only my second treatment and I am sure my strength will return soon enough. I have already lost my hair. Which is not a bad thing because my little orange hat looks good on my bald head. Of course, my brown felt derby slips down over my eyes! I may have to stuff it with newspaper! So, I was really looking forward to TechFest this year: The event was held on the 16th and 17th of February at Sinclair College in downtown Dayton. The Mars Society had a booth and display at the event. I always work with them. I have been there every year since 2006. Except for last year. I was so disappointed that I had to miss last year...but I was sick.... So, I was "Over the Rainbow" when I knew that I could attend this year. It was cold out, in the 20's F. I drove down to Dayton and the parking garage was full. I drove around downtown for a half an hour looking for a metered space. Finally found on about a block from the Building. I had my balloons with me and my dog, JoJo. "Is that a real dog?" "Of course it is!" "No it isn't!!!" "Well, it is a hamster that I have disguised as a dog so that he won't be eaten by a cat or varmint!" The moment I got inside and to the Mars Society booth and started to make some Alien balloons, a line formed and I was busy for the next 2 1/2 hours! I really wanted to visit with the other members of the Mars Society (and, I did get a few moments) but everyone wanted a balloon ! I had to leave earlier than I wanted because a lady had called me a week before to see if I could do a birthday party. It was for two children, a boy of 1 year and a girl that was turning 7. I decided to do it because I had done parties for the families before and was also interested in knowing if I could accomplish 2 gigs on one day--given my delicate condition, ha ! I left TechFest at about 230pm and drove home to eat a bite and change into my Clown uniform. The birthday party was in Springfield at 5pm. I got there and stayed until about 730pm. It was a great time. I came home and was feeling a little tired, but was confident that I would be able to make TechFest again on Sunday. Not so...when I woke up on Sunday, my hands and feet were swollen. My skin must have gotten brittle from all of my Chemos because I had myriad cuts on my hands. I ate some breakfast and tried to get ready for the Dayton event again. It soon became obvious that my feet and hands were not going to cooperate so I had to give up. Really bummed me out. And, the energy level was low and stayed low until now...I have some energy because of the recent (Monday the 25th) treatment. I get steroids the day before, the day of and the day after the treatment. It gives me a false energy. More a nervousness or agitation than anything else. I will see what the coming days will bring. It is cold out, well it is Winter, and if the weather warms a bit I will do some walking. I am confident that my Giddity-up will revisit me soon. If not, I will just have to find a way to soldier through it! And, the Lord will strengthen me, I know. Praise God ! Life is Good...Life is an Adventure !!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

A New Chemo

I had my first treatment today (Friday, February 1, 2013) with Docetaxel (Taxotere)
I was apprehensive about this initial treatment, but everything turned-out fine. This 
particular drug builds up in your system so the next few weeks should be interesting. I 
imagine it will be much the same as my initial Chemos last year--in that I will lose my hair,the Chemo-brain will return, and
the peripheral neuropathy will increase; I will have flu-like symptoms. This particular drug
also wreaks havoc with your blood counts and I will be fatigued and extremely vulnerable to
infections and pneumonia. I will just have to tough it out. 
I worked Thursday night and stayed over at the Hotel instead of going home because my wife was out of town and I rarely hear alarm clocks!  In the morning, when my boss came in for his work shift, we retired to the break room for some intercessory prayer. My treatment lasted for 5 hours and I was alert and calm throughout!

Hopefully I will be doing TechFest in Downtown Dayton at Sinclair College on the 16th and 17th of February. I will be with the The Mars Society (Ohio Chapter)...

Here is an Invitational video from TechFest2013:

I will be answering questions about Human Mars Exploration, but I will also be making some Alien Sword Balloons and Alien Princess Wand Balloons. Luckily, there are other members of the Ohio Chapter of the Mars Society that will be doing most of the talking and explaining !!  Over 3000 people come through TechFest during the weekend and most of them want a balloon! The Wright State biology department is usually across from us and they will let you hold a Tarantula or Madagascar Millipede !  There are many, many hands-on exhibits and I love to walk around and look at them. Darth Vader and his team are usually there to provide Security for the event,also.

So, everything is going pretty well, although I had to quit my job. I went back to work in November of last year and was really enjoying it. But, I am not sure how bad the side effects from this new Chemo will be. I will return to work as soon as I can, My job involved a fair amount of driving and I don't want to put people on the road in jeopardy.

 Life is Good, Life is an Adventure !!!!  Clown around and Go to Mars !!!